
Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Does anyone know of some good blogs on Cthulhu and Lovecraft gaming?  I regularly read Ken Hite's and Dan Harm's blog (when they post), and Pookie's Reviews from R'hlyeh.  AD&D Grognard started a blog for Cthulhu board games.  There are lots of places that discuss Lovecraft fiction, but other than the campaign journals on, not a lot of blogging.  (Flames Rising sometimes has COC or Trail stuff, but mostly World of Darkness).  Let me know what I'm missing!  thanks-


  1. I did a series on CoC pbem a while back. I'm also due to start writing up some of my character's adventures as journal entries soon.

    btw I am mightily impressed by the erudition of your posts on CoC. It's a game that begs to be taken seriously and its fans deliver in spades.

  2. I post some Cthulhu-flavoured stuff, but more SnS simply because that seems to be where the discussion is. My recent exposure to Carcosa is making me think about exactly what the difference is between SnS and CoC (I think primarily one of expected PC attitude)... and I'm thinking that my blog will be dedicated to mashing up Carcosa/Barsoom/Petersenian Cthulhu direction for the next many several posts. You don't seem to be uncomfortable on the SnS-CoC border, yourself...

  3. You could try here: . Not only does he have pics of some cool props, he's got links to a load of sites.

  4. Sadly, I never completed my campaign journal on those many moons ago...

  5. Propnomicon is great. Michael Curtis (he of Stonehell fame) runs another blog called Secret Antiquities which, although it isn't 100% Cthulhu-centered, exclusively discusses horror and the macabre and uses the open-source BRP clone GORE system for stats when necessary. I wish I knew of more.

    Considering all the blogs out there that cover D&D exclusively, I'd love to see a 100% Cthulhu-focused blog. Like the other commenters, my blog features some Cthulhu content, but it's hardly exclusive. I'll probably start posting more Cthulhu material as I get my Miskatonic University campaign off the ground next month. All my other Cthulhu-related posts (some of which are only tangentially related) are here.

  6. There's very little, sadly. Call of Cthulhu has a smaller community than the OSR, and most discussions are conducted on Y-S or the yahoo group Delta Green Mailing List (often known as the DGML), which used to have pretty lively discourse.

    The best place to scratch that sort of itch is the magazine trade, which has had a boom-bust cycle over the last few years. The Unspeakable Oath is the standard, but there's also The Black Seal, Worlds of Cthulhu, Starry Wisdom, Dagon, and Protodimension ( ), which is an online zine that has quite a bit of CoC content.

  7. I do a number of horror focused blog articles and some on Call of Cthulhu, though my main focus is on World of Darkness with a side of Pathfinder.
