Thursday, November 7, 2013

I've Been to that Place, Too

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time... like tears in rain... 
-Roy Batty, Bladerunner

Jim Flame Princess sent out an update for his recent campaign (the hardcover LOTFP referee book) to showcase a new piece of art.  The hardcover of the rules book came out extremely well, so I backed the referee book campaign as well.  Here's the latest piece of art:

Art from the new LOTFP referee book
I've been to that place!  Well, not me personally, since I'm usually the referee, but it feels like I'm there with the players, as I create the scene through words and gestures and the action unfolds in our shared imaginations.

I appreciate that modules are valuable for creating shared experiences.  Reminiscing with your friends about exploits from the campaign is great fun, but published adventures allow us to share those reminiscences with other enthusiasts in the hobby who weren't at the same table.  "I remember hearing about how your group defeated Strahd von Zarovitch… now when we got trapped in Castle Ravenloft, here's how it went down…"

Like anything, the ability to relate a tale briefly and well is paramount.  I don't mean to encourage the long-winded, "Let me tell you about my character…" monologues.

I'm usually not a meme person, but it would be interesting to hear brief recollections from various published modules in a form similar to that Bladerunner quote above.  It could be something recent (an OSR publication) or one of the classics from the hobby.  We can have some fun trying to identify from where these oblique references originated.  Feel free to drop your "Roy Batty" style memories in the comments.  I'll get a few started:

  • I've seen the endless dead pour off Death Mountain and sweep aside the human villages below like a hungry tsunami.
  • I watched with morbid curiosity as a pair of foolhardy dwarves failed to outrun a giant rolling boulder, while humming the Indiana Jones theme.
  • I've sat to dinner with the ghostly inhabitants of a mist-shrouded castle and tasted food brought by spirits - and watched as some of my friends joined those spectral revelers, forever.

Before I forget, does anyone else recognize the picture?  In other words - Who else has stood beneath the ozone sky and watched the evolved Neanderthals twist in their bio-capsules?


  1. "I’ve seen the nameless masses gather on the shores of frozen cold, men doomed to either become rich or die. I’ve seen Gods appear before me and fling destroyers into the great void. I’ve held the future and the past in my hands. I’ve watched machines battle scales and cones of cold. I’ve seen fear in the face of those who tempted chance, and watched them disintegrate in a moment of cold indifference. I've watched my sister... My sister who was younger than I... Brave into a battle she could never win to save a companion’s life, only to lose her own. Why should I be here still? What does MY story still hold? How will I tell father..." ~Borghild Jonarksdottir, Cleric

    1. I know this one - my own The Black City!

      This is probably the biggest reason for me to drive The Black City to something that could be shared or published - I'd love to hear other folks experiences in the ruins.

  2. I've seen them step out of the shadows and into the dying campfire light, their weapons caked with the filth of ages and an uncanny gleam where nothing but emptiness should reside in the sockets of their skulls.

    1. I don't have a guess on where this one is from - might need to give us a little more.

    2. I'm recalling a picture from a magazine.

  3. I have this module! But I haven't run it yet.

  4. Stars flickered beneath the surface of the ebony blade, fixing my gaze with hypnotic allure. As my hand reached towards the grip, the icy chill of the void grew. With my first touch I was flooded with a surge of power, a sense of urgency, and a hunger verging on lust.

    The blade awoke.

    1. Were you a Thrall of Blackrazor?

    2. You've got it! And not being good-aligned I had no problems trading souls for power. I feed Blackrazor well.

      I would have gotten away with it too, if it hadn't been for that paladin and his intelligent Frostbrand.

  5. Awesome thread. I've got nothin', but it's an awesome thread.

  6. I recognised the image immediately. Very evocative and accurate! (I DMed it last year.)

  7. I was hoping we'd get some more scenes! C'mon people, don't tell me your games are dull and have no identifiable or signature moments. Here's where these came from:

    I've seen the endless dead pour off Death Mountain and sweep aside the human villages below like a hungry tsunami.

    This scene was from Death Frost Doom.

    I watched with morbid curiosity as a pair of foolhardy dwarves failed to outrun a giant rolling boulder, while humming the Indiana Jones theme.

    This scene was from Tom Moldvay's B4 The Lost City.

    I've sat to dinner with the ghostly inhabitants of a mist-shrouded castle and tasted food brought by spirits - and watched as some of my friends joined those spectral revelers, forever.

    This scene was from Castle Amber.

    And of course, the image is from the excellent Spire of Iron and Crystal.

  8. I have paid homage with the Fishmen to their lobster goddess by phosphorescent glow.

    I have cowed mighty Nosnra with an army of illusion and shadow.

    I have seen the demon queen at the center of her web, surrounded by demon lords barely holding themselves in check.
